Around this time of year most of us are left scratching our heads and wondering exactly where the last few months have flown off to. If you have a pre-schooler in your life, then I’m sure you are experiencing twice the sense of a year that has just flown by. I’m sure it’s been a big year for you and your little one as you’ve seen him or her undergo a metamorphosis from adorable, not-long-out-of-toddlerhood innocence to the more worldy-wise little person who is ready to embark on their school career. There has been an explosion in language and you are probably finding yourself catching your breath as you are asked the tricky questions of life and are trying to explain exactly why things are the way they are. Yes, it’s been a huge year of change.
If you are a little like me, you may grieve the swift passage of childhood. As I was mourning yet another ‘last’ in her life, my daughter (who is now almost tipping the scales of “teenagerhood”) pulled me up with this comment, “stop being sad and miserable about the last time I do things and be excited about all the first things I get to do!” It was a timely reminder that there is always something new to look forward to in our child’s life.
If your little person is heading off to school, take time to celebrate their achievements this year. Let them know how excited you are about the new adventure that lies ahead for them. Help them understand that you will always be their cheerleader and number one fan, no matter how old they get.
You may have some concerns about your child’s readiness for school. Take a moment to have a look at our checklist for 5 year old school starters and read our blog Launching a School Career. Newcastle Speech Pathology is here to help you and your child on their social and academic journey. Contact our office if you would like to discuss your child’s progress. Look out for our monthly free “Coffee Consults” that we offer in our Hamilton clinic. Stay in touch with all our events on Facebook and Instagram.
Written by Alison Speech Pathologist Newcastle Speech Pathology