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The latest from our team

Alison McDonald
3 min read
How To Read Dialogically With Your Child
Dialogic reading. Perhaps you’ve come across this word while reading through articles and websites and have wondered what it means. At...

Alison McDonald
4 min read
My Child is Anxious. How Can I Help?
Anxiety is increasingly common in today’s fast-paced world. Often, we can think of stress and anxiety as things that only adults struggle...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
10 Strategies to Help Your Late Talker
A ‘Late Talker’ is a child whose speech and language skills aren’t developing in line with their peers. Usually these children are...

Alison McDonald
4 min read
Refining Social Skills
Week 1: Look at me when I’m talking! Communication is not only about what is spoken. In fact, more than half of what we communicate is...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
Getting Right What We Say!
Week 1: “You” Messages This month we’re taking some time to think about some of the things that ‘Big People’ say. The reality is, that...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
Learning About Emotions
Week One: Label the emotion When our children are young, they only have two ways to express emotions, smiling and crying! As they grow,...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
Getting Ready for Reading
Ready for Reading – Put your feet up and enjoy a book. One of the major ways that children learn is through watching others. They copy...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
Planning and Preparing for Preschool
Week 1: What’s for lunch? Starting preschool can be a stressful time for our youngsters. There is a new routine to adapt to, new faces,...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
Building Language Over the Christmas Holidays
Week 1: Scavenger Hunts The holidays can be a challenging time. Keeping the children entertained can be exhausting and it can be tempting...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
Getting Ready for School
Week 1: Constructive Play Play skills are vital for success at school. Children learn so much about others and how to interact with the...

Alison McDonald
2 min read
Using a Variety of Words
Week 1: Names When we’re helping our child learn new words and express themselves, names for things (or nouns) are some of the easiest...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
Theory of Mind
Building Theory of Mind Through Books This month our Communication Corner focuses on ‘Theory of Mind’. In a nutshell, this means being...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
Music and Language
Music and Language Week One: Nursery Rhymes Parents have sung nursery rhymes with their children for generations. These sweet little...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
Winter Warmers
Week One Winter Warmers: Snuggle with a Book Winter has arrived! Cold weather is the perfect opportunity to snuggle those wriggly...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
Encouraging our Children to Take Turns in Conversation
Week One: Taking Turns in Conversations As we have discussed in previous Communication Corner publications, children learn language...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
Quality Trumps Quantity
Week 1. Quality Interactions It makes sense that children need to hear a lot of language before they master using it themselves....

Alison McDonald
3 min read
Using Routines to Build Language
Week 1: Repeat, Repeat, Repeat! Kid’s love doing the same thing over and over and over again. While it can frustrate or bore us as...

Alison McDonald
2 min read
Take Time for Conversations
Week 1: Conversations are crucial fordeveloping your child’s language skills. It may seem as though your child istalking to you all day...

Alison McDonald
2 min read
Adding Language to Interactions
Week 1: Add a Variety of Words Children learn language through interaction and new experiences. As children experience new things,...

Alison McDonald
2 min read
Follow Your Child’s Lead
Tips to prepare your child for school. Brought to you by Newcastle Speech Pathology. We understand. Find us on Facebook and Instagram....
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